Xandro Adventure Tours is a travel company registered in Tanzania. We want to work with none but the most trained, knowledgeable, cheerful, enthusiastic and professional persons who are talented in tourism business, with years of working experience and very often we recruit hand chosen people.
While Xandro Adventure Tours has grown larger over the last years, our words still remain the same:
- Every guest is unique and we treat them and their desires individually.
- We love Tanzania and are proud to show visitors all places of this unique country.
- We offer excellent value for money.
- We are available right when we are needed
- We listen and ready to adjust according to client’s wish

Xandro Adventure Tours is a Company whose mission is to provide quality service that exceeds its customer’s expectations that are fully integrated in its operations. With a proven track record and a promise to deliver, we strive to ensure that we are and we remain to be the perfect solution to Travel and Safari requirements in Tanzania and the greater World.
The pillar that supports our philosophy is the professionally qualified and experienced staff. The Travel and Tours, Sales and Marketing Consultants, Operations Team and the Professional and Highly Skilled Team whose immeasurable hard work, motivation and dedication to duty, has enabled the Company to cut a niche for itself in the market.